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in DClub4 years ago

I live in Berlin, Germany. People come from Africa and other countries to live here because of the high living standard. But when I look at your blog, how you grow crops, have chickens and even your own fish, I realize that you are way richer than I ever was. One day I will leave Germany and buy myself land somewhere and become more connected to nature again. Thanks for all the inspiration.

Have you heard of hydroponic farms, where you combine them with aquaponics (meaning your fish tank)? The fish will provide fertilizer for your vegetables. You can build it yourself with cheap materials. I don't know much about it but you can find many tutorials online about this topic.


I must I'm really flattered,....that was a great thought from you, geting yourself a land and connected with the nature, I will be looking forward to that, I hope when you finally do that you will let me know.
As for the hyproponics and aquaponics, I will learn more on that, thou i heard fish pond water are highly nutritious and good also for plant, will look for necessary material materials and fund to do this.
And thank you so much for the encouragement and for your concern, It goes a long way, just to tell you that I'm also taking german classes (language). I think its good for me to learn one EU language.

German is not easy to learn but probably worth the effort. Good luck.:)

Hello buddy, its roughly two years now,... Love your admiration for nature! Being looking for possible ways to connect with you since your last comment on my post! Whatsup with your plans? I guess they are still very much intact! How can i get in touch with you? Other social media you are on?