I can 3d print miniature gameboy cartridges (or functional custom game cartridge ...

in DBuzzlast month

... shells you can put cheap cloned aliexpress cart innards, put them in your own custom 3d cartridge with a pokemon sticking out. Let's design a hive game cartridge, a @splinterlands handheld

Posted via D.Buzz


Seriously just look at how makerworld.com works, you get a 3d printer and get paid to print and review and comment and even more to upload designs...upload enough reviews or make a popular design & get enough credits for a roll of filament. So imagine hive rewards thrown in the mix

Posted via D.Buzz

Two ideas here: physical 3d printed splinterlands collectibles either to collect for fun or to play IRL like dungeons ans dragons with real game pieces

And the other idea is a handheld android gaming device like an ambernic that comes preloaded with hive keychain wallet, splinterlandsetc

Posted via D.Buzz

i discovered i mix pink and red, optically speakn. what u can see pink, i might see red. learn more n more like bulls dont like red usually but there may not be a country with pink hue on their flag. imagine replacin red with pink on all national flags. shit, wooah.

thats sick. a cool design for a hive hardware wallet