I have been Miss BeehivingI want to promote @hiveio and @telosnetwork Telos Decide Proposal system in a more professional way

in DBuzz2 years ago (edited)


I have been Miss Beehiving but I want to promote @hiveio and @telosnetwork BETTER with a more professional look, and I would like to start hiring interns to post on hive and post telos proposals which we can secure proposal fee funds for if the ideas are professional.

Posted via D.Buzz


Does @hivedao have a mobile app for allowing people to post proposals and even drafts as posts? Maybe @ecency or @dapplr can actually post proposals in dapp? A mobile app JUST for Hive Proposal discussions, where people work on posts and comments and draft proposals for hive...

Posted via D.Buzz

EVENTUALLY @telosnetwork users on https://decidevoter.app/ will get to vote for special proposals that WORK with tstarter.io so Voting with large enough TLOS stake for a startup proposal COMES with tokens for the project OR you get a cut of future TLOS profits FROM best voted projects- TLOS dividends!

Posted via D.Buzz

ExStreamist lol