 3 years ago  

I didn't pay any money. The owner of the cafe paid for the cat food.

Posted via D.Buzz

heres 5 bucks, 6 hive, incase you can pay the owner... just waiting for hive engine wow super slow withdraws lol should have just sent you swap.hive

if you can, i will volunteer to send u whatever hive i need to keep you able to feed the cat or get it whatever medicine it may need, if possible, because it will make for good posts

also sent you 30 swap.DOGE for yourself, thank you!

i will send the otehr 6 hive when it shows up lol, but if you make a post showing yourself giving few dollars to owner taking photo, telling them u foudn someone to VIRTUALLY adopt teh cat and pay a lilk hive every week, i know ill make upvotes back to pay for it!

ok well show the cat again maybe. ill upvote

just want to show the owner someone will send some crypto for the cat

makes for good story

or use the money to buy stuff at cafe for urself so he gets money yea yeah economics lol