Your very own human brain = 1.6 zettabytes of storage costing $50 billion & ...

in DBuzz4 months ago

... spanning 140 acres

Imagine having your own data center. But you'll need good software, and you shouldn't need to train. Someone else should do all that work and release a quality hive based mobile app

Posted via D.Buzz



∙ Choose area
A human resource is any person who is compensated for supplying skills or knowledge to help an organization achieve its business goals. Compared to other resources, such as equipment or facilities, people tend to require the most management, which is why many employers have dedicated HR services.
~What Is Human Resources (HR)? - ADP

Human resources can be managed nicely on hive, but we need to work on the whole upvote downvote thing and show maps of accounts and who is upvoting who is downvoting and whose posts are getting the largest upvotes downvotes etc and upvoters should get ad space on posts etc

Posted via D.Buzz

I'll get back to you on this

soon 🤬

Article source #tomshardware
(I saw it today on Google news, and am posting this as just a reminder for myself. 1.6 Zettabytes)

Posted via D.Buzz
