
I am obsessed with this idea. Anyone have any ideas to make these things remixed to be hive themed besides just hive logos as badges on their arms shoulders hands chest head etc? I was thinking if a hive logo shaped hexagon base and hive witness server as reactor, bad guys steem?

Posted via D.Buzz

Bad guys could have steem logos and I could sell them to steem users and use that steem to convert to hive lol

Steem users and hive users would fight them in a card game? Or I could make versions for more major coins that have SWAP hive engine tokens etc .

Posted via D.Buzz

If I do this I feel this would Bea hive based project no one would regret investing in because I'd make sure every item in the game has to be a physical 3d printed the more items you collect the more physical crypto themed toys you get to collect, so of project dies, youstillGetToys

Posted via D.Buzz

Ur first tattoo could be hive logo on ur chest in yellow or red huyes. That would look amazing.