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RE: Helion: How to Innovate Fusion Tech Better Than Governments How Gove ...

in DBuzzlast year

The sad thing: It doesn't have to be that way. There should be many ways for the government to be forced to be accountable for the power it has, but it's true that all civilizations ended up this way historically, even when they started okay.

"...there is no accountability."

Posted via D.Buzz


The only workable solutions I know are;

  1. Make sure governments don't have much power to begin with (a night watchman state)
  2. Embrace Anarcho-capitalism

Aside from some parts of cryptosphere, we have limited experience with large scale Anarcho-capitalism. Option 1 is the more practical option.

A night watchman state?

Posted via D.Buzz

I like this, but ideally, I would give them a bit more power than that...

The thing is, it needs to be a system where people in power can lose it at any moment systematically the moment they're proven to abuse it.


Posted via D.Buzz