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RE: Bittrex is Leaving US markets According to #Bittrex is lea ...

in DBuzzlast year

What you mean you don't agree they're fungible?

Fungible just means that every 1 BTC value is the same as another 1 BTC, compared to NFTs in which two of the same token have different value/price.

Posted via D.Buzz


1 $BTC from US President Biden is worth more than 1 $BTC from the leader of #NorthKorea.

The second one may land a person in jail, and this will become more evident over time.

Posted via D.Buzz

But that's not what I... O- Okay, you might be right in some way, (especially about the jail part,) but I still go with what I said.

Posted via D.Buzz

It will become more obvious that $BTC and $ETH are #NFTs in the future, as the narrative aligns more with truth.

Posted via D.Buzz