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RE: How is this a thing? #kylerittenhouse #identitypolitics #justice

in DBuzz3 years ago

The way I see it the whole insistence and emphasis on this notion known as white privilege only serves to distract against where the real privilege and power is. (Hint: Who controls the media?)

More broadly, it's a smoke screen tactic they are using to isolate the dwindling majority (soon to be minority) demographic in Western nations. You won't hear about that in Academia moreover you would risk being deplatformed merely for suggesting it.

Don't you notice the disproportionately negative representation of the white race while other peoples may be criticized for the same thing and even guilty of worse? You may not acknowledge it but there seems to clearly be an agenda behind all that stuff and that agenda IS NOT equality.


For the sake of argument, I wanna just to isolate one thing we're talking about. White Privaledge.

Not from the perspective that mass media pushes or the safe space left might push like you are suggesting (I think, correct me if I'm wrong).

You're right, while in college I didn't learn specifically about the "smoke screen tactic they are using to isolate the dwindling majority..."

However, I did learn about how mass media manipulates people because it's the classes I was interested in taking.

I also learned in another completely different class the long, complicated story of the countries origins, including slavery and the suppression of minorities in the country. This led to less systemic wealth within society. This includes classes based on financial hierarchy, of course. However, it doesn't lump race and class into the same formless entity. They are two different issues resulting in similar hardships.

We agree that classes are our primary concern. Race is just something they are using.

Well I'm sure you believe there was slavery in this country. So are you saying that after slavery was abolished we no longer affected the lives of black families through other means?

Furthermore, our entire Homo biological genus has been involved in tribal warfare.

So even though the Irish were poor and being treated badly they were able to intersect into society more smoothly than back black families who were grounded in slavery within the country that they hadn't escaped like Irish settlers.

Furthermore that black skin is a trigger to people who still maintain tribalistic tendencies that have become worn out in a globalistic society.

White people are white, I'm Irish and people don't go around making Irish jokes because you can't fucking tell! LOL

There's always exceptions but you get what I'm saying.