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RE: ## Hive-based version of I took an interest in #LinkTree in ...

in DBuzz2 years ago

I could, the only thing that makes me not want to do so is the fact that DBuzz is "non-compliant" in that it won't show every possible post on Hive, leading to some links being broken when is chosen as the frontend.

I am open to a discussion about this however. For speed reasons we currently avoid fetching the post, and to enable this would require that each post is fetched adding a not-insignificant amount of loading time.

Further thoughts are appreciated and welcomed.
Many thanks,
~ CA


Hi @cadawg,

https://Blog.D.Buzz is currently offline, but our devs should have it fixed this month.

Then all links will be viewable again, as they were, pre-May2022.

Posted via D.Buzz