This is a video from a few months ago, where #DrFauci, the of the Unit ...

in DBuzz4 years ago

This is a video from a few months ago, where #DrFauci, the of the United State's position on #Covid-19 says that masks do NOT provide the perfect protection that people think it does

"Wearing masks can have unintended consequences"


This logic of those people infected should only wear a mask can be reinforced to include those with underlying conditions.
But no, this asshole took it to the tyranny stage by instilling 100% fear in the sheeple...

Where I live, the governor just extended a mask mandate by another 60 days. All residents are required to wear them in any indoor location. Granted, many people aren't complying.

In the #Philippines the Government here was recommending that couples use #FaceMasks during intercourse 😂

🤔🤔 what changed?!

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Nothing changed, it was a test to see how much control they could inflict on people.

sounds accurate 🤔🤔

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Makes sense!

It's all #Propaganda, they say whatever they want at any given moment, and then completely change the game and most people don't even notice.

I.e. In the beginning the #Lockdown was only going to be for 15 days to flatten the curve LOL 😭

#Propaganda #1984

And remember initially it was to not overwhelm the hospitals. Now "the curve" hasn't been flattened enough...

Just like #Iraq "having weapons of mass distruction" was shifted to "Liberating" their citizens from a dictator.

( During the Bush administration in response to #9-11 )