This video displays how the Founding Father's of #America established ...

in DBuzz3 years ago

This video displays how the Founding Father's of #America established a #Republic, NOT a #Democracy

And explains how they knew from the Romans that #Democracies are actually a transition toward oligarchical TYRANNY

Posted via D.Buzz


Many of the ideas that went into the creation of the U.S. Constitution are a result of the Age of Enlightenment. They were conscientious about virtue and freedom. Freedom being from God. Today, people think rights come from government.

Posted via D.Buzz

You are incorrect, they separated Church and state to remove the threat of power from the church...

Virtues are not exclusive to religion.

Posted via D.Buzz

They also separated Church and State because they were aware of the threat of centralization from the Church. No one likes to talk about that though because the major world faith encroached the views of the masses in America like all other places on earth, aside from perhaps Iceland who has legalized blasphemy, which doesn't even exist..