Finally some good news for #2020! 3,000 Engineers & Architects around the world ...

in DBuzz4 years ago

Finally some good news for #2020!

3,000 Engineers & Architects around the world have come together to categorically state that #Building7 from the #9-11 terrorist attacks was a controlled demolition that took MONTHS to prepare for

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Good thread. Imagine the lies the public was led to believe 😐😐😐

Imagine the lies being told about #Covid-19 😒

yeah I'm pretty sure there are lots!!! Follow the money trail...

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This is a more detailed explanation with multiple engineers & architects explaining why "office fires" could NOT have caused #Building7 to collapse, much less in a controlled fashion.

#corruption #government #falseflag

This shows visible proof the the collapse of #Building7 from the September 11 terrorist attacks in 2001 was a controlled demolition.

Check the other links in this thread for additional evidence: @postnzt @coffeebender @nathansenn @jacuzzi

 4 years ago (edited) 

What #science says about the September 11, 2001 attacks:

( 50 page PDF book )

 4 years ago (edited) 

This PDF provides decisive proof of what so many people understand intuitively: The tops of the Twin Towers could not have fallen through the floors below them at the observed rate of acceleration without explosives removing the structural resistance.

 4 years ago (edited) 

This thread includes evidence supported by 3,000+ Engineers & Architects who believe the 9-11 terrorist attacks were controlled
demolitions @tonygreene113

The twin towers did not slam to the ground.
If they had slammed to the ground:

  1. There would be over 1,250,000 tons of debris piled on the ground;
  2. Manhattan would have been flooded;
  3. The seismic recordings would have reflected two 500,000-ton buildings and one 230,000-ton building slamming to the ground.

None of the three facts happened.