I just got attacked by a decent sized dog while walking our #Chihuahua. I prote ...

in DBuzz4 years ago

I just got attacked by a decent sized dog while walking our #Chihuahua.

I protected my dog but fell down, scraped my knees and got bit twice.

It's a good thing my 3 year old son wasn't with me, he was supposed to go and would have made the situation harder.


As terrible as this sounds.. This is why we should all be carrying some form of self defense weapon with us when we go out.. Dog attacks can get downright nasty.. :/

Glad you were relatively unscathed by the matter.

Oh, that's terrible, maybe you should bring wood or something that can protect you. I hope everything will be alright.

Yeah, it's okay @mrnightmare89 I got bit twice but the scrapes I have on both of my knees actually feel worse than the bites 😂

It was just a regular dog, not a pitbull . . If it was a #pitbull I'd be wrecked 😅

Glad you turned out to be fine.

So glad your little one wasn't there. As a mail carrier, I feel for you. It's simultaneously terrifying and infuriating to be attacked by an unleashed dog. And the owners never take responsibility. They just yell at the dog 🙃. Use mace. That's what we do.

Ah cool!!

I think I will buy #mace @scooby.doo thank you 😊

Definitely clean those wounds. Glad it is not worse and your son wasn't with you. I always have to carry a pistol when I walk around here because of the wild boar, coyotes, and bears(yes, bears). Possibly some mace in your future?

Thank you @lexikon082 I did clean them, maybe not perfectly, I just used soap and water for the most part.

And yes, #mace is a great idea 😊👍

Ouch! That must have hurt.
Glad You are Ok!

Oh no! What a scary experience! Hope you're doing fine now. 🙏🙏🙏

The adrenaline actually removed all of my fear.

It was interesting to say the least 🙂

there are dogs that used to try to surround me when i was on walks, you gotta stop and stare them down and run them off lol. Dogs and dogs don't always mix but man is the alpha and if you have to boot one to get that message across then lace up!

It's good to see you on #DBuzz @jamesford.

I hope everything is well w/You 😊✌️

Oof I hope you're alright! That said, it's better to straight out attack the aggressive dog while it's focused on your own dog. Chiuhaha are tough, the can take it :)


 4 years ago  

so what does the owner of the dog that bite you say?

They will pay the medical costs for the anti-rabies vaccine and might think twice about letting their dog in their yard go untied.

I am going to tell them that if it bites anyone again, and I find out about it, I will report to the police and file lawsuit 👍

 4 years ago  

You are living in a subdivision residence right? So how come some neighbors like that keep their dogs roaming around?

It jumped over the fence since it was untied 👍