The post is a copypasta spam with no original content.

Yes, the author is actually @dantespinetta not and I recommend they add strong captions to the videos and images they share.

I also recommend you consider using a less authoritarian Profile picture and possibly rebrand to something more friendly @hivewatchers.

Posted via D.Buzz

Everyone who was asked for feedback about our logo gave a very positive one.

You are the only one who has this peculiar association with authoritarianism.

I understand that it may be related to your high sensitivity to engaging with any form of governance/government except Christian god / Jesus Christ.

That's what I understood from your regular posts about the love of god, anti-vaccination / Covid "Plandemic" or WHO as a criminal organisation.
With occasional propagation of qAnon stories.

I can assure you that the logo and avatar have nothing to do with anything satanic.
It is not created by the reptilian Illuminati either.





 11 months ago (edited) 

... year but I have learned a lot since then, and my writing style, worldviews, etc. have changed.

I still see the idea of being "watched" and the strong owl logo as leaning to close to authorianism.

Posted via D.Buzz

On a second note, will you be attending this year?

I am interested in meeting you in person and find in-person conversations much more authentic at times than online discussions.

Posted via D.Buzz

Unfortunately, I will not be attending Hive Fest this year.
It is logistically very difficult and costly.
And it seems a bit risky as I would need to fly to LA and then rent a car to drive through Tijuana.

Ah okay. This will be the first I attend.

Have you attended one yet?

I think you and I could connect in person more. Online communication is so often misinterpreted.

Posted via D.Buzz