There's a frenzy about face masks. Where I live 99% masks are either cloths or s ...

in DBuzz4 years ago

There's a frenzy about face masks. Where I live 99% masks are either cloths or surgical masks. These aren't even helping and regulation and media frenzy make people waste their money and live inconvenient lives!


When 9-11 hit I was too young to recognize the massive amounts of propaganda being spun into the news coverage..

But this time around, and with #Covid-19, the propaganda twisted into events and coverage is MUCH more obvious.

At least to me 👍

When 9-11 hit I was too young to recognize the massive amounts of propaganda being spun into the news coverage..

Same here. I had no clear idea. I had to watch Fahrenheit 9/11 to see how much crazy stuff that had been going on at the time.