When your #Hive voting power gets low, say below 50%, do you stop voti ...

in DBuzz2 years ago

When your #Hive voting power gets low, say below 50%, do you stop voting? Vote on Twitter below.

~~~ embed:1590348534163046400 twitter metadata:RW9pbkNhcnJvbGw1MHx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9Fb2luQ2Fycm9sbDUwL3N0YXR1cy8xNTkwMzQ4NTM0MTYzMDQ2NDAwIHw= ~~~

Posted via D.Buzz


Yes. Actually well before then.

I really don't look at my voting power but I just upvote at least 20 posts lol.

Yes i stop voting for a day to let it recover but with the amount of hp i have it is not that noticeable

I'll limit the amount of votes I give out but I won't entirely stop voting. Maybe if it's below 30%, I'll stop voting and let it recharge.

Yeah I stop voting till it gets to 100%

Yes... I totally stop. In fact, I try to have it not reach %70 if I could.

...Or maybe I should choose "Slow Down." It still won't prevent me from voting for a post that I think truely deseve it.

Also, keep in mind most of my HP on both account is delegated to Curation groups.

Posted via D.Buzz

Just voted on Twitter. It looks like 50 percent slows down whiles 50percent stops all together

Only two votes as of yet though 😅

It will be better to recover ones voting percentage