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RE: I am very #stagnant these days. What do you think can be done about this? How can ...

in DBuzz5 months ago
  1. Find joy in noticing new things in your daily activities.
  2. Review your long-term goals and connect your daily tasks to them.
  3. Does the step ahead of you seem too big or scary? Beyond that feeling lies success. Break the step down into smaller parts and move boldly.

    Posted via D.Buzz
 5 months ago  

I'm having trouble breaking it into smaller pieces. Thank you so much for these tips. 😍

Posted via D.Buzz

Keep breaking down the task into smaller steps until you can find something you can will yourself to do. Focus only on the next step, or you'll get distracted with planning. At times, when I was ill, the big task was "personal hygiene," but I had to break it down until my first step was "sit up." On one or two days, I even had to break that down further - "wiggle my toes". I learned this from an Arctic Racer who struggled with getting out of a warm sleeping bag to pack up her camp and continue the journey.

 4 months ago  

Yes, that makes sense. This was a revelation to me. This time I'll break down the tasks I'm going to do into much smaller pieces.

Posted via D.Buzz