Depth. #English is essential. Are you a native speaker or fluent? Don' ...

in DBuzz2 years ago

Depth. #English is essential. Are you a native speaker or fluent? Don't learn French, German or Japanese. Explore other versions of English instead. Financial, medical and urban. Collect all parts of one reality instead of ​fragments of different ones. Depth is better than width.

Posted via D.Buzz

 2 years ago  

A different perspective. But learning another language with other versions of one language. Is there a specific advantage to this?

Posted via D.Buzz

your point of view on the language makes sense if the next language has a higher status than the current one

Posted via D.Buzz

*I'd argue that Depth isn't always better than Width...

  • Knowing a lot about one thing makes you an expert!

  • Knowing a little about everything gives you more options and makes it easier to think outside the box, (because you're in a different box.)


Posted via D.Buzz

I agree about the benefits of learning other types of English! Just 5 years ago, I couldn't read Medical or Financial English. Now I can. I also have less trouble with Law text, but can't say I understand it perfectly.

I never had trouble with Engineer English for some reason...

Posted via D.Buzz