
I love my Ruger. It's been reliable in range use and my LCP II saved my life last year during a carjacking during BitBlockBoom.

Posted via D.Buzz

oh man! that sounds like a wild story... did you ever make a post about it? would love to hear how that went down... was it related to bitblockbloom? or just occured during the event and it was not necessarily the target...?

I didn't make one at the time because I was still kind of nervous about legal stuff based on me pulling it on them. There was talks that Texas would want me to come back so I didn't want to incriminate myself in any way. It's been long enough now that I should write something up about it.

It wasn't related to BBB really. I made the decision to stay in an AirBNB to save some sats compared to the hotel rate. It was just bad luck that some random gang was roaming the parking lot of my apartment when I went home during one of the breaks to pack up my stuff.

I'd love to buy a gun like that.
I am not allowed to.
Could you help me find a nice American woman to marry? :D

Come hang out on a travel visa for a couple of weeks and get a tinder account... you could be married in no time!

  1. I said a nice woman... :D
  2. Looking at the rate of divorce, I could be worse of than I am now in no time, too.

now you're being picky...

this is the truth, especially these days

Divorce comes about just as quick these days.


Nice dude! Looks very similar to my LCP .380, besides the brown, mines all black. But great for C&C. Congrats!

I agree!


Looking good man! I miss mine, had to leave it in the good hands of my old man while we travel MX. But I'll get her back some day.

At least it'll be there when you get back home! It's a shame you couldn't travel with it.

wish we could have cool guns like this in Commifornia!

That's quite some fancy gun right here. Would love to get one of this but the government very fun over here with restrictions on firearms

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That's a nice piece

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I want 😍😍

Nice! I am looking at the Ruger SR22 myself. But my EDC is a classic that keeps kicking. 1925-27 Remington UMC .380… Oldie but goodie!

Niiice that’s a cool EDC
The SR22 looks badass!

Yeah the UMC was my granddaddy’s gun, well one of them. My son has the old S&W .32 and the S&W .44 Long Colt (that one is a fucking hand cannon, lol). Both of those are revolvers. The UMC is semi auto with squeeze safety so it can’t fire randomly, you have to mean it.

bitch she shot me with the ruger
now i look liek fredie kruger

Posted via D.Buzz