
I love the questions. I made time for 4. Might i suggest perhaps doing a series of a few questions at a time. I find people just don't have the bandwidth for long blogs. even when it's something FUN like yours. just my 2 cents i mean HP! hahaha

Posted via D.Buzz

That might be true, yet I do not think it is a long post.

oh, i didn't mean it like that....not long per se in a word count way ... for sure. It's thought-provoking and fun questions.

Posted via D.Buzz

I see you just got tagged by the Spaminator, do not engage with those Terrorists.

@azircon every single human on this platform has to deal with those loser still? Hive Watchers at work again, offboarding as they do the best.

oooooo i don't know them i don't think. i didn't see a tag ... i have to look now.

Posted via D.Buzz

There are some Spaminator <=> Hive Watchers downvotes. They just pretend to not be the same, it is the same gang.

oh...hmmm...could be why my account is all of a sudden moving at a snail's pace with my Rep. haha smh.....

Posted via D.Buzz

I think no social media can survive NOT having downvotes over time. Without them, everything will just turn into Facebook and Twitter, which are just ad feeds now, not social media.

Posted via D.Buzz

Meta and X, and additionally YouTube are the biggest and most successful Social Media Platforms of the last 20years. I have no idea what on Gods earth makes you think anything else.

Well, if you had actually read my reply, you would have seen that I feel they are no longer social media platforms, their algorithm specifically distracts you from people you follow, and guides you towards ads and commercial accounts. Facebook, especially, has become so overrun with spam, it's hard to see posts from people you follow.

More directly to your original point, YouTube still has a downvote feature, they just call it 'dislike'. Of the platforms you mentioned, YouTube also pushes the fewest unsolicited ads into my feed and comments. A thinking person might start to believe the two things are related.

I have no idea what makes you think this is God's earth. He's abandoned it, we now have squatter's rights.

Well Youtube Downvotes are nearly the same as Upvotes, it just changes the to whom the videos get pushed, exposure will still be increased. There is no punishment that people can do to others by downvoting them. That is the reason why Hive can not grow without bribing it's users on the Social Side, people offboard each other with automated downvote trails.

Ads on or off is not important actually, even if that is a valid point. Especially for the curious case of Instagram, which is basically 90% ads at this point. The raw numbers of using it for socialization by expressing themselves in some way, shape or form is what makes it a Social Media Platform.

Is Hive no longer growing?

Not sure what you want to say with it. That nobody interacts on Inleo?
Without downvotes we would have much more spam, scams and votebuying.
Of course there is always an abuse. Do you think Blurt is more successful or any other decentralized post-to-earn blogging platform?

You can have Reward Distribution vetoed for the author part that is just fine, but including the curation rewards and the 'Reputation' score is creating a social outlaw situation. Everyone engaging with a creator that gets even some small degree of downvotes is getting damaged as well. The moral choice is to leave as soon as you attracted a downvote trail, and that is what people do unless they are actually scamers.

Indeed this is very unfortunate.