Öldükten sonra her şey anlamsız olacak. Bu nasıl olsa böyle devam edec ...

in DBuzz3 years ago

Öldükten sonra her şey anlamsız olacak. Bu nasıl olsa böyle devam edecek diye düşünerek yaşamaya devam etmek mantıklı bir yol olur mu ki... Ya da battı balık yan gider mantığı...

Posted via D.Buzz


After you die, everything will be meaningless. Would it be a logical way to go on living thinking that this is how it's going to go on? Or the sinking fish side-by-side logic...

everything will be meaningless after you die

Maybe @chrisrice or @atma.love can give you their feedback about that. 🧘‍♂️

the sinking fish side-by-side logic

What was that? Was there a problem with the translation? 🤔

 3 years ago  

"So you might think that doesn't make sense." 🤫😅😂

I did not say that I think it does not make sense. I just said it is so deep. 🤔🧘‍♂️

 3 years ago  

Yeah I know. I just wanted to say my idea 😂😂

Now i'm confused. I replied to your comment before you edited, but can't see my reply now. Oh well, perhaps it will appear again, but remember it's in reply to what you wrote first.

I didn't edit my comment which you replied to. 🤔 I got 5 notifications from you about you tagging me in your comment, though you had only a single comment where you tagged me. 😅

probably because i edited it four times :-)

I think it must be another post you commented on and tagged me. i may look more carefully :-)