
Only for a little while, but then stop. What works the best oddly enough is sleep medication.

 2 months ago  

Yes, I use sleeping pills too. Which drug do you use? What is the active ingredient?

Posted via D.Buzz

I've been using tons of drugs for my headache, but the main one is a strong dose of Paracetamol.

For sleep I use quetiapine, I don't know the active ingredient unfortunately.

 2 months ago  

Paracetamol is very bad for liver health so you shouldn't use it.
By the way, I also use quetiapine. A very good medicine for a good sleep.

Posted via D.Buzz

I won't be taking paracetamol for much longer, I was handed another medication that's better for headaches (Cefaliv).
And yeah, quetiapine is great.