
Doesn't matter. Merrick Garland is the top snake in the grass at DOJ. He's still bitter about not getting a SCOTUS robe for life...

So? He doesn't have the authority to fire the director of the FBI, so he doesn't have any real administrative power over him.

He can't fire the director out right, but he could make the director's day to day operations a pain by slowing administration functions...

...and vice versa. Also, director Wray could just quit, and blow the whistle about what's going on. Since none of that is happening, it makes sense that either...

1 - The conspiracy doesn't exist.
2 - Trump knowingly appointed a Deep State actor as director of the FBI, and he's part of the conspiracy.
3 - Trump appointed Wray because he had secrets in his past that made him easy to control, and now the controlled narrative forces have those secrets.