Error in the publication. Do not vote / Error en la publicación. No votar.

in DBuzz3 years ago (edited)

I recommend a best seller "The Power of Now", it invites us to connect with the present moment and go into our deepest Self, free of ego and limitations. Own photo. @jesusgarp93

Posted via D.Buzz


You should make sure the text comes before the picture to avoid having ugly headlines on the main site.

I suggest you go to and edit your posting to make it more appealing. Right now it's not worthy of an upvote.

Thank you very much for the suggestion, I am new to this and I am still learning. Thanks

Buzz also very new to this, still a little buggy and need a bit of extra care.

Posted via D.Buzz

Everything is susceptible to improvement and perfection, especially this type of technological tools. The inexperience of the users also plays a role. In my case, the two things came together, especially the second one.

Thanks for taking the time to guide me 🙏🏻

Posted via D.Buzz