Have an undone project to be submitted by 8am tomorrow... I haven't prepared my ...

in DBuzz2 months ago (edited)

... clothes for the project...

Exam's are in 3 weeks...
I still don't kmow some of my coursecodes..

My school life in a nutshell.
Preparation 0%. Composure 100%

download (2).jpeg

Posted via D.Buzz.




Well the project's done...
So at least there's that...

Good luck. Tuvak was my mum’s Star trek crush when I was growing up. 😹

How complex is the project? Just reading that gives me anxiety

How complex is the project?

Somewhere between, I don't know what the answer to the question is but I know what they aren't 😂😂😂

Well I've done it so it's to hope for the best..