
It is great investment, if you are patient and smart about it. quoting Gerber, dCity is a "long game", but not taking up too much of your personal time.

However requiering strategig planing, and quite a few options tom gain passive income.

I highly reccomend you check it out, join us and start a small city... i´ll even help you out, just PM me mate...

Your friend.
Mr. Eythor Photo

is it ponzi style or how it works in easy words? :D

Hello and thank you for your question,

No it is not ponzi style in wich way that you are not at all asked/enforced by game mechanics to "recruit three others" kynd of thing, your outcomes rely on your decisions and amountt invested.

The game is a DeFi ""platform" kynd of thing. :) . new concept in many ways. however i am neather fit not knowledgeable enough to explain that, tough i tink i could... but i´m verry high right now and currently running for president and am therefor verry bitchy... sorry bissy. ;) haha. now go away...

Yours "truly"


ok i will give it a look :)