
I'm sure you must be enjoying his company. Having an artist at home is a blessing. Great pictures. Take care and have a great day ahead 💕

Thank you very much for your comment. It's true, it's very nice to have such a versatile musician in the family. We really enjoy when he starts playing in his room and plays music to the whole house. 😀

 24 days ago  

Even if he doesn't have the talent, it's still cool and fun to do. 😀

Posted via D.Buzz

Hahaha that's true!. We had a lot of fun singing and discovered new talents in the family too! 😀

Siempre es divertido compartir en los Kareoke y mas si tiene conocimiento y oído musical seguro destaca sobre los que como yo lo hace solo por diversión y no acierta ni una nota ha ha ha

Jajajaja, es verdad!. En nuestro caso por ahí entonamos algo mejor porque estudiamos música desde pequeños. Yo estudie guitarra durante años y mi hermano es musico de oído, nunca estudio. Aun asi es increible lo excelente musico que es!