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RE: If I understand correctly, Cardano still has no applications. It only ...

in DBuzz3 years ago (edited)

There’s so much hot air out there... things that shouldn’t have value do “have value”. Things that should don’t seem to hold value. It’s an inverse world and a very fragile one. 🙃 Everyone’s attempting to fake it until they make it and very few are building on the solid ground that fundamentals and actual utility bring.

I’ll never vote a single dollar to projects that don’t have legs to stand on... that’s why I have been a Hive maximalist from before Hive was Hive and will continue to think, invest, and build with that mind set.

So yes!

Why isn’t Hive a higher ranked coin? THAT is the question more should be asking... all I have to say about that is “Follow the yellow brick road.”
