Aftermath of my malaria treatment

in DBuzz2 years ago (edited)

Good morning

Malaria has come and gone,thanks to good health workers here, however i have been having stress free days and night but sleepness time is getting too much.

I strongly hope it's a result of the malaria treatment. I have taken 9 injections already and I feel better
I am still on drugs
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Seriously I have spent alot of money on malaria treatment.

Injection is quicker to treat malaria,malaria is as strong as every other sickness,perhaps most common and most neglected.

I can't joke with any health issues.

Now I need my sleep back,before now i sleep easily though I feel alot of body pain and stress but now that all those are gone my sleep is gone with it.

I'm gonna get my sleep back as soon as possible. Probably see a doctor for guidance.


All images are taking with my Samsung galaxy A50 smart phone 📱.