Milestones and Multiple Accounts

in Discovery-it6 months ago


The other day I was going through my daily process of collecting my rewards, and I noticed that I finally hit a significant mental milestone for my @bozz.sports account. When I first started using Hive in January of 2018, it never occurred to me that one day I might have multiple accounts on here.

I know there is a lot of controversy and discussion about multiple accounts. I'll get into that in a second.

It only took me about 10 months to create an account for my wife, but that was mainly because I wanted to use it for Splinterlands. There has been very little if any actual posting from that account. My wife graciously humors my fascination with blockchain, but she has never shared that same passion. She did have a run on Actifit for a time, but if I recall, it was actually me writing the majority of those posts. She just handled the activity part of it.

It wasn't until a year and a half later in September 2019 that I created my @bozz.sports account.

With Actifit being relatively new, along with the Sports Talk Social community and myself being a referee in that community, I thought it might be a good idea to keep a separate account running for curation. Given the fact that I had/have a pretty significant SPORTS token stake, I wanted something that could give decent upvotes to Sports posters without draining my main account voting power.

I went pretty hard with the Actifit posts for a while there, always choosing to include at least several hundred words of text along with my activity recap. Eventually though, I got tired of it. It wasn't until a couple of years ago that I started posting again pretty regularly from that account.


As I said, yesterday I hit what I consider a decent milestone. I collected my posting rewards, and that pushed my @bozz.sports account over 3000 HP staked. Being honest, I probably could have been there much sooner, but I have been sending all the HBD from that account to my main account.

Still though, that's 3000 HP totally organic from posting. I haven't built the following on that account like I have on my main account and it definitely shows in terms of growth. While 3000 HP is still impressive, it's nothing compared to the almost 70,000 on my main account. Sure, that main account had a year and a half head start, but I also comment a lot more with that account than I do with my sports account.

I think that shows just how important it is to be an active part of the Hive ecosystem. Simply dumping content and collecting upvotes isn't going to help you grow beyond a snail's pace.

I mentioned before that there is some controversy over multiple accounts. Maybe controversy isn't the right word, but there are definitely people who feel one account is enough. Meanwhile there are others who have dozens of accounts. Personally, I think my Sports account has been quite beneficial to me.

For example, a while ago I wrote a Python program to show what users are muting a provided Hive account. I was a little surprised to notice that @galenkp was muting my @bozz.sports account. Especially since he and I have developed what I feel is a pretty good rapport from my main account.

You know what though, that's fine, and I think that just shows how beneficial multiple accounts can be. If I only had one account, he might have muted that one and then many of the interactions we recently had may have never happened.

To be fair, I did mention that I used to post to Actifit with my sports account, so if I had to guess that mute is a holdover from that time period. Then again, maybe he just doesn't like sports, which is also cool.

I think as Hive continues to grow, we are really going to see the power of the communities in a way that we can't currently see. I don't personally feel like having a separate account for every community is the way to go, but some people have went that direction and if you have the time to manage them all, I say more power to you.

Full disclosure, I mentioned to @galenkp that I would be writing this post a while ago. I didn't give specifics, but I hope he doesn't see this as me calling him out. Instead my intent was just to use it as an example of how multiple accounts on Hive can be beneficial.


So where do we go from here? I think a new goal is definitely in order. 5000 HP staked sounds like a good idea. I'm going to lose some of my curation as I plan on staking about 1000 HP to the DAB project as soon as staking is available, but I definitely plan on continuing to post from my sports account.

With the NCAA College basketball season in full swing, I should have plenty of content to keep me busy until the beginning of April. After that, I'll come up with something until football season starts again!

As we barrel towards the holiday season at breakneck speed, I feel really blessed to be part of this awesome community. There is so much to offer on Hive and so much potential for the future. It's pretty easy to want to go all in when you see how far we have come and what lies ahead for us.

Sports Talk Social - @bozz.sports


All pictures/screenshots taken by myself or @mrsbozz unless otherwise sourced


I hate actifit and don't want to see it. You were rebloging your alt account to my feed so I had no choice but to mute it, or unfollow your main account which I didn't want to do.

I mute a lot of people, unfollow them and downvote them too...I'm sure your python program can reveal them all if you wish.

I figured it was something like that. I totally understand and I think that is part of the reason having multiple accounts for specialized content can be a good thing. We all have our own interests.

One alt per tribe token. No exceptions.

Imagine if everyone did that, we'd have the same number of accounts as X in no time!

I can see where having multiple accounts would be beneficial there. Myself, I'm too lazy to do that, so I'll stick to posting non-precious metals stuff from here as well. 😆

Congratulations on your achievement! 😁


Posted using Neoxian City

Thanks, I appreciate. I am pretty lucky that my job allows me to manage it all without too much trouble.

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I have one secondary account I opened for a kid who used to be a scholar back in the days when I did Axie because he wanted to play Splinterlands. I didn't last, so now I'm thinking of just using it as a music posting account, just fun stuff that some people may like or hate. I got to do something with it!

Congrats on getting to 3000 HP on your secondary. It's a nice accomplishment!

Thanks, I appreciate it. That makes a lot of sense. I only have the two accounts that are actively posting, but I claimed a number of accounts to protect my brand should Hive ever get popular.

Congrats on the achievement! I have a few alt accounts, but I never really use them for posting except here and there like that cancer fundraiser last month, usually just for curation with one of the tokens.

I think a lot of people do it that way. It's only due to the fact that I enjoy writing so much that I tend to post regularly on my sports account. I've thought about using one of my other ones for crap posting on some of the short form front ends, but I honestly don't have time for that.

Wow that's amazing! Congratulations!

Thank you!

congrats on your milestone I do not see anything bad in having multiple accounts especially if they are holding your hive secondary tokens, to maximize the earnings on those tokens, a separate account is needed due to the limitations in mana.

Yeah, that is a great point. I don't even get that granular with my accounts. I just know not everyone wants to see my fantasy football results and stuff like that. I still reblog those posts, but if I ever get to the point where that account is earning well on its own, I will probably stop doing that.

Congratulations to your other account for reaching 3k HP
I’m sure that there’s more to come and I can’t wait for that

I'm looking forward to it too. It has been a really awesome journey so far!


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Very cool! I have created a few alt accounts with the intention of posting about more niche things but I never actually get around to it. I think it's because I already have too much trouble coming up with things to write about on my main channel.

I have thought about making a photography type account which would be more about things that I learn, as I learn new things; as opposed to showing off photos since I am not a pro or anything.

I totally understand! It's only because my job puts me at a desk all day that I can get away with what I do between the two accounts!

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