To the moon!

in Discovery-it4 months ago


In case you haven't noticed, there has been a lot of talk about the moon lately. NVIDIA to the moon! BTC to the moon! Alts to the moon! Heck, Intuitive Machines even sent lunar lander Odysseus to the moon a short time ago (spoiler alert: it tipped over).

Around here, we have also been getting some pretty great views of the moon. I had to go to work a little late the other week and just as I was getting in the shower @mrsbozz called me from her drive in and said I needed to look at the moon. According to her, it was "huge and orange". I figured I would check it out after I finished my shower and was dressed. Of course by then it was too late and it was hidden behind clouds.

As you can see from the opening photos we have had some quite clear and cold nights. Which makes photo opportunities in the morning even better. I grabbed this shot of the moon hiding behind some trees in our back yard.

finance Friday.png

It is time again for another Finance Friday/Friday Finance. This is a series I started where I talk about random bits of financial stuff that I have seen, gathered, or experienced during the week. I hope as a reader you find it informational, entertaining, or both. I also hope it can generate some good discussion and edify the community.

It's definitely exciting to see so much positive movements in the markets lately. I think a lot of us are proceeding with caution here. We know that it is still a bit early for the real fireworks. I've seen a lot of posts with opinions on what is happening and what could happen. My best (not financial) advice, when in doubt, HODL. Worst case, it all goes to zero.


It's the first of March, so that means it's Hive Power Up Day! I made a small power up today as I try to work my way up to 75,000 Hive Power staked:


It's been a long slow crawl now that I am trying to keep some Hive liquid for whatever action we might see in the future. With that in mind, I decided to only power up 150 Hive today.


I'm also trying to keep a bit of my HBD liquid in case I need it for Holozing packs or whatever that sale ends up looking like. I'm not planning to ape into it or anything, but I would like to pick up some assets. I've been earning tokens via the portal for a while now and while I have sold some, I am also leaving some staked and pooling some with swap.hive for the sweet rewards.

I honestly think I have more locked up in the liquidity pool than I have staked at this point. I could be wrong though!

Exclusive Silver Presale?

For my silver and gold stacking friends, I got an email the other day about this supposedly exclusive offer from my local bullion shop:



At right around $270, I don't really have the funds to pick one or more of these up, but hopefull if you do and you think it is actually a good deal you will be able to jump on it.

Here is the link to buy them

As of 7:19 AM this morning of March 1st, it looks like there is only about 3 hours left in the sale. I apologize for that. I wanted to share this with you earlier, but I couldn't find a way to work it into my regular posts without it feeling awkward.

I'll do better next time! If this is not a good deal or possibly false advertising, please feel free to let me and others know in the comments. You folks have been doing this a lot longer than I have. I'm going to drop the link in the #silvergoldstackers Discord this morning in case people don't see this post in time.

I guess if they don't all sell out there is a good chance you can pick them up later too. Just keep an eye on their online store.


GOP Says "NO" to CBDCs

I was browsing through my news feed the other day when this story grabbed my attention. I know we are already on Friday, but back on Monday a group of GOP (Republican) senators introduced legislation to effectively ban CBDCs (central bank digital currencies).

It's unclear at this time if the GOP really doesn't feel that CBDCs are in the best interest of the public or if they are trying to block them simply because the Democrats are interested in them. Unfortunately that is the world we live in now and the fact that Ted Cruz is involved has me leaning more towards the latter than the former.

I think we can all agree that neither side is really interested in our well being.

Either way, it could be interesting to see how all of this plays out. I think we can also all agree that CBDCs are pretty bad news as far as privacy and decentralization go.

Sports Talk Social - @bozz.sports


All pictures/screenshots taken by myself or @mrsbozz unless otherwise sourced


I have a hand full of he One Oz, Germana bars, I missed out on these Ten oz. bars when they were available here in Canada. Do these guys ship to Canada?

Depends on where in Canada I guess. I am actually not sure, but Michigan isn't too far from different parts of Canada so they might.

I'm way over to the west coast and I don't trust my mail system as of late. Canada Post has gotten unreliable in the last two years. So I would have to rely on an independent Courier service but I would have buy a larger quantity to justify the expense.

Ah, okay. I understand. I have purchased from this place before both in person and online and they seem pretty legit. I know they have worked in the past with bcbullion so I think that leads them some cred as well. I wish I knew more for you about the international shipping thing.

75 k I'm about to reach 10 k maybe I get to 75 in a few years 🤣 !BBH

Keep at it!

I'm gonna keep going strong ain't no quiting !BBH

@bozz! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bitcoinman. (12/50)

@bozz! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bitcoinman. (14/50)

To the moon is much better than just howling at it! CBDC's are a horrible idea, plus let the US government try to do and they will find a way to screw it up and on top of that track every damn dollar and everybody. Bad, bad idea!

Yeah, I totally agree with you there!

You received an upvote of 100% from Precious the Silver Mermaid!

Thank you for contributing more great content to the #SilverGoldStackers tag.
You have created a Precious Gem!

Definitely 'interesting times'. I'm expecting the rise to stop fairly soon and then we will see if prices can hold. Some are just silly like $DOGE being up 40%. I bought some $HIVE anyway.

I'm betting on a couple more weeks of this based on the analysis I have seen. Then again, most everyone is just guessing at this point!

Nobody knows anything for sure when it comes to crypto.

I think Holozing is going to be pretty interesting. I think I'll try to hold some liquid funds to buy some packs too. I'm not too sure when they might be released though. Exciting times !

I'm not sure either and I am not sure which tokens they are going to take as payment. I am thinking I should keep some Hive and HBD ready just in case.

That's good that at least you should'nt get CBDCs. We don't have such protections.

I'm sure there is going to be a big fight over it. Nothing is for sure right now.

Kill the CBDCs and stop me from selling too early, this bloody bearish mindset is something I cant seem to shake.....Wen Moon? Wen Sell? Wen ATH? But at least I got my two comments out today! Wen !PIZZA

You have to do what is best for you. If you sell and it changes your life I wouldn't worry if it was the top or not.

Nah not selling large but just little bits because you never know ..... but every time I sell a bit I go like: "That could have gone 10X"

Yeah, I totally understand what you are saying. I have some soft targets in mind too. Might be a bit before we hit them though.

Yeah I took a 3X on my WIF and as I am not big on meme coins I sold but it was a small position but those type of sells..... keep worrying me I know it´s early

You're probably never going to get it exactly right. Look at you though, this has to be about your 10th comment on the day!

Lol yeah but our chats are fun. I need to comment on less fun people that write cool posts

GOP Says "NO" to CBDCs

I subscribe to that.

Oh, by the way, NVIDIA is back to its ATH "again" and the S&P500 just marked a new ATH of over 5100 points.

Good for my other investments.

Today was the first clear day we’ve had in quite a while. And yep it’s gonna rain again tomorrow.

We've had quite a few clear days in a row. Pretty rare for this time of year.

So many speculations on crypto. We shouldn't expect the bear soon in sight


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@whywhy(1/5) tipped @bozz