in Discovery-it8 months ago



Hello dear friends,
in the last weeks I had to do a lot of bureaucratic stuff and I had guests, so I didn't have much time.
But between one thing and another I finished the scarf-necklaces made from recycled tshirts and three versions came out.
The first one darker,


Ciao cari amici,
nelle ultime settimane ho dovuto fare un sacco di robe burocratiche e avevo ospiti, cosí non ho avuto molto tempo.
Ma tra una cosa e l'altra ho terminato le collane-sciarpe fatte con i tshirt reciclati e ne sono uscite tre versioni.
La prima piú scura,


the second one lighter,

la seconda piú chiara,


and the third one more simple, only in blue and gray lila, which I am wearing even now as I write, and I assure you it is super comfortable and keeps you warm! So if you have broken or stained tshirts or leggings don't throw them away but reuse them 😃

e la terza piú semplice solo in celeste e viola grigio.
che sto indossando anche ora mentre scrivo, e vi assicuro che é comodissima e tiene caldo! Perció se avete delle tshirt o leggins rotte o macchiate non buttatele ma riutilizzatele 😃



I hope you like the result and thank you for following me 😍

Spero che il risultato vi piaccia e grazie per seguirmi 😍


There is no doubt that there is something here for almost everyone.
There's something for the aesthete who is always looking for the beauty of the whole, and for the frugal, eco-conscious consumer who simply doesn't want to part with his beloved T-shirt.
And let's not forget the ear, nose and throat doctor who gets to see right down to the roots of your hair 😊.
I'm also going to take this opportunity to put myself as someone who wears his T-shirts until they are hanging in a striped pattern around his neck. Except they don't look as good as yours, I have to admit!👕

Unbestritten ist hier für beinahe jedermann was dabei.
Für den Ästheten, der stets auf die Schönheit des Ganzen bedacht ist und den sparsamen, umweltbewussten Konsumenten, der sich partout von seinem geliebten T-Shirt nicht trennen möchte -
und, nicht zu vergessen, für den Hals-Nasen-Ohrenarzt, dem du mit deinen Selfies einen Blick bis nahe an die Haarwurzel gewährst.😊
Ich nutze die Gelegenheit, mich auch als jemand zu outen, der seine T-Shirts so lange trägt, bis sie ihm nur noch im Streifenformat um den Hals hängen. Nur, und dies sollte ich eingestehen, sie sehen dann wahrlich nicht so toll aus, wie deine Exemplare!👕

🤣Danke vielmals für Dein amüsantes Kommentar 😁

you are very good at creating things like this. this neckless is amazing and you have done a great job. So creative.

Thank you very much 😊

@tipu curate

Una creazione molto bella anche se ho difficoltà nelle prime tre foto a scegliere se è più bella la creazione o la creatrice.
Brava e creativa come sempre!
Un abbraccio
!discovery 30

Grazie mille che gentile 😃 Abbraccione 🤗

can we buy it from you?

Unfortunately not, but if you're in Italy, Switzerland, Austria or Spain I'll gladly give it to you as present, because I'm going there sooner or later anyway... but it wouldn't make sense to recycle something and then pollute the air again by sending it too far away, especially when it's an item that everybody can make. It's only to motivate you 😃
But if we are talking about paintings or sculptures yessss I sell them 🤗🤩

Liking it is an understatement. I love it! It's beautiful. You are so creative I must say. Look at me trashing my t-shirts and leggings away😂 not knowing that they could be recycled and look this beautiful. Thank you for this idea but I would really love to know the process 🫣

Thank you for your nice comment 😃

You are welcome 🤗

Is this beautiful and amazing artwork
And welcome back after 2 long weeks

Thank you very very much 😃

We have been waiting for your post for two weeks. You have made it with a lot of hard work and it is looking very beautiful.

Thank you so much 😄

Most welcome dear.

Beautiful time to get recycled

Thank you 😃

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Ogni volta che penso a te il mio cuore fiorisce perché mi viene in mente la tua anima artistica che è un ricordo così bello nella mia mente. Il mio petto inizia a solleticare perché sai che sei così bella che se fossi venuta a tessin quest'estate ero intimorita che il mio cuore avrebbe fatto un salto così grande all'incontro con te. Adoro queste foto di te e dei tuoi occhi profondi, che raccontano la storia di una persona davvero stimolante, creativa e meravigliosa. Ho tanto amore per te, amica mia.