The Best of Discovery-it #1102

in Discovery-itlast year

The Best of Discovery-it #1102


Hi there, welcome back to The Best of Discovery-it! All the best posts voted by the Discovery-it curator team will have their own dedicated space within the Hive blockchain. This digest intends to bring to light all those authors who often remain unnoticed and therefore reward all those who create quality posts, leading them to establish themselves on the platform. But that's not all!
After a careful selection, our curators will also choose the most deserving articles among all those voted to create a ranking of the Top posts of the day.
So who are today's winners?

The Beauty of Nature in Gayo Lues District, Aceh, Indonesia.

by @benk07

In this beautiful post benk07 brings us to discover Gayo Lues District in Aceh, Indonesia. “Sightseeing with natural water sources from the mountains, you can see the crossing bridges, slides for children to play and equipped with several restaurants there which happened to be the day I visited not doing services as usual, maybe decided to close” the author said. Read the post to find out more!

Chocolate Marquise with Coffee [Eng/Esp]

by @rlathulerie

Today’s post by rlathulerie is dedicated to all cooking lovers. In particular, the author shows us how to realize a delicious chocolate Marquise with coffee. “The marquise is a cold dessert that basically consists of layers of cookie and pudding of the flavor you want and believe me I've seen everything ... chocolate, lemon, parchita, nutella, oreo cookie, and many more flavors” the author told us. In the post you can also find all the steps of the recipe. Let’s try it!

Weekend Experiences - Celebrating An Anniversary With My Wife

by @miljo76

“This weekend was special for me, as my wife and I celebrated our anniversary. Luckily for us, there was an event in Slovenia called Restaurant Week. The best Slovenian restaurants take part in the campaign and offer special menus to Restaurant Week visitors at a special price, which is usually much lower than the usual price in these restaurants” this is how this interesting post by miljo76 started. Don’t miss this adventure!


Needleworkmonday Crop Top Tutorial || DELETING EXCESSIVE NUMBER OF PHOTOS

by @jonalyn2020

The author jonalyn2020 surprises us with a beautiful tutorial about how to realize a crop top. The materials are very easy: mercerized cotton, crochet hook and scissors. Don’t miss the final result!

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Thank you @discovery-blog and to you @mili2801. 🥰 God bless you all.

Thanks si much

Thank you very much for the mention and the support, I didn't expect that, but I am honoured!

Congratulations to the winner of discovery it

thanks for mentioning me here. @discovery-blog