The Best of Discovery-it #715

in Discovery-it2 years ago

The Best of Discovery-it #715


Hi there, welcome back to The Best of Discovery-it! All the best posts voted by the Discovery-it curator team will have their own dedicated space within the Hive blockchain. This digest intends to bring to light all those authors who often remain unnoticed and therefore reward all those who create quality posts, leading them to establish themselves on the platform. But that's not all!
After a careful selection, our curators will also choose the most deserving articles among all those voted to create a ranking of the Top posts of the day.
So who are today's winners?

playing with lasers!

by @motionkapture777

In this nice post by motionkapture777 you can find a model made with 3d printing. “I tried experimenting with laser and I think the result is interesting. I used a very small laser but you can control it with the ILDA protocol... I think every nerd on the planet should have a laser at home to play with” the author said. Don’t miss this interesting post!

December Garden Journal: Transplanting Cherry Blossom and Rambutan Tree and Planting Sweet Potato Vines

by @afterglow

“Last month one of my elder sisters brought home a Cherry Blossom and Rambutan seedlings for planting around the house. While I was looking for a location in planting the seedlings I noticed that there was no extra space aside from my vegetable garden” this is how this nice post by afterglow starts. The author shows us some beautiful photos representing these two plants and the process of transplanting. Don’t miss it!


by @asasiklause

If you’re passionate about the world of yoga, you shouldn’t miss this new post by asasiklause. The author talks to us about his favorite yoga poses: vrikshasana, marichyasana, virabhadrasana and much more! Read the post to find out more about this interesting topic.

Quick portrait drawings

by @elwnyx

The artist elwnyx never ceases to amaze us and, in today’s post, you can find an amazing selection of sketches. “When I started to feel like losing all dimensions when I started to color in my recent works, I try to draw a little more to understand the dimensions at the sketch stage from the very beginning” the author told us.

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Grazie Ragazzi!!! :)

Thank you very much @discovery-blog for including me in this edition of discovery-it #715

YEEEEY. So grateful to be on this list. Thank you so much for the support guys. You've been supporting me since I joined this platform and your recognition means so much to me. Thank you once again!

YEEEEY. So grateful to be on this list. Thank you so much for the support guys. You've been supporting me since I joined this platform and your recognition means so much to me. Thank you once again!