Mount Fuji Gouache Painting Study - a Volcano in Japan

in Discovery-itlast month
Authored by @iTravelRox

Hi, Hive friends! I made a side-by-side painting of Mount Mayon in the Philippines and Mount Fuji in Japan.

I made a study sketch of Mount Fuji using Morandi acrylic pens and colored pens. I promised myself to paint Mount Fuji using gouache paint.


And here it is, started with a sketch using a pencil.


Since I made a study sketch in my previous article, I became comfortable doing Mount Fuji. I painted the first layer using gouache like a watercolor.




Do a second layer of painting gouache to make the paint thicker for the skies and the mountain.


And work on the trees using yellow-green and green colors.


Another layer of paint for the lake.


I decided to add details on the lake with a little wave or calm wave.


The gray mountain has already died so it's time to add some white snow textures on Mount Fuji. I loved it. Well, looks like it's done but I decided to continue.


I needed to add some interesting things in the frame, I added some tree branches.


Tadah! I added cherry blossoms, the pink flowers.


I added some green leaves as well.


And yellow-green highlights.


Well, I thought it was done but I need to add a second tree branch.


Look at that, the scenery of Mount Fuji looks interesting because of the cherry blossoms.


Taking a photo without a flash.


A side-by-side painting of Mount Mayon and Mount Fuji without a flash.

The Final Result


Oh my gosh! I love the final result of this side-by-side painting of Mount Mayon and Mount Fuji. These two volcanoes are just very iconic of their own and it is a dream come true to paint these two tourist spots.


I'm gonna cry right now. I know, I sound too dramatic but I couldn't believe that I finally painted them. This is painted in an A5 sketchbook, it's a small-sized sketchbook but someday, I'm going to paint them in an A4 size. Or who knows, a bigger canvas size?

Roxanne Tamayo -

Welcome to iTravelRox! Roxanne Tamayo is a Cebuana who is a traveler. Now a mom of 2 kids and a wife. She is a travel blogger and a digital nomad. As a Virtual Assistant, she does a lot of things like content writing, WordPress web design, WP updates and maintenance, graphic design, and photo editing. She is into wedding photography, as well.

If you like iTravelRox's content, please don't forget to upvote and leave a comment. She will share a lot of stories about solo travels, motherhood, family travel, and working as a VA.