Recruitment to simulate living on Mars.

in Discovery-it3 years ago

Recruitment to simulate living on Mars.


NASA is looking for candidates to participate as members of the crew of the first "analog mission" that will simulate a habitat of a Martian base, well the first is for NASA, because "analog mission", virtual or simulated to experience what it would be like life on Mars has already been made several in recent years, for example, the European space agency simulates a mission to Mars between 2008 and 2009 in a facility located near Moscow, in Russia; in La Rioja Argentina they created a Martian base where they could recreate the experience that astronauts would live, in China they built the Mars camp on the outskirts of the city of Lenghu in the province of Qinghai in the northwest of the country; although perhaps the largest of all of them is the Martian city of a project in the United Arab Emirates that aims to simulate life on Mars within an authentic laboratory city, where various technologies will be investigated from biology, the manufacture of new materials and there are several experiences more of a different level because this of isolating oneself to recreate living conditions in a space base, already almost seems more an adventure sport than a scientific activity, although in the present case the one that claims that NASA would be directly related to the space exploration, with the intention of returning to the moon and especially with its plan to take humans to Mars in 2031 or 2033, in 2032 it would not be possible because the launch window towards the red planet occurs approximately every 26 months.


The mission proposed by NASA and includes three simulations of the Martian surface that would be created at the Johnson space center, the experience would serve to support research to develop methods and technologies to prevent and solve problems that may occur in future space flight missions manned to the moon and mars.

Each analog broadcast will consist of four members who will live and work in a 158 square meter habitat, which will be 3d printed by ICON and called Mars Dune Alpha, it will not be a quiet vacation, there will be a lot of work, hiking with heavy equipment , scientific research, use of virtual reality, handling robotic controls.


The habitat will behave like an escape game, putting members in stressful challenges that will include resource limitations, equipment failure and emergency situations, as well as various incidents, all in order to test responses and seek solutions. We must not forget that the moon and Mars are places that can kill you in many ways and if something fails or an accident is suffered, it better be here on earth rather than millions of kilometers away on the red planet, with this simulation that aims to nasa can refine protocols and train teams to be better prepared for when humans are actually sent to the moon and mars.


Pero quién puede participar en esta simulación, la nasa pide que se cumplan cinco requisitos, en primer lugar ser ciudadano estadounidense o residente permanente, en segundo lugar tener entre 30 a 55 años, en tercer lugar poseer una maestría en un campo STEM, STEM son las siglas en inglés de ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería y matemáticas, la nansa además exige que el título sea de una institución acreditada, en cuarto lugar tener al menos dos años de experiencia profesional relacionada en un campo STEM o mil horas de tiempo de piloto al mando en un avión de reacción y en quinto lugar ser capaz de aprobar el examen físico de astronauta de vuelo de larga duración de la nasa, para apuntarse hay de plazo hasta el 17 de septiembre del 2021, la misión durará todo un año y comenzará en otoño del 2022, si te quieres apuntar está en el enlace.

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