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RE: Starting a self imposed challenge: 450,000 steps in 30 days using Actifit

in Actifit4 years ago

I like your personal challenge!
Walking is one of the activities that I enjoy the most and recently I found that doing it with my dog, just 10 months old, gives me unparalleled joy.
I wish you are great and keep taking actions that motivate more and more content creators.
Hugs and blessings.

Me agrada tu desafío personal!
El caminar es una de las actividades que más disfruto y recientemente comprobé que al hacerlo junto a mi perra de apenas 10 meses de nacida me brinda una alegría sin igual.
Deseo que estés Genial y sigas realizando acciones que motiven a más y más creadores de contenido.
Abrazos y bendiciones.


Oh wow, 10 months old, we're talking about a puppy! I'm on the other side, Alai is already saying goodbye so I can't really stress her or overstrain her.

Thanks for your comment and your good Vibes!