Gadget Prize Draw Round #36. Round #37 Kicks Off!

in Actifit3 years ago

Actifit Gadget Prize Draw Round #36 Results!

We are excited to announce the results of the "Actifit Gadget Prize Draw" #round 36, which took place on January 3 midnight UTC.


Over 4 days, the prize pool was 8.218 HIVE, and the winner of the draw was @runridefly . Congratulations !!


As round #36 of this contest concludes, round #37 already kicked off, and you have less than 4 days to take part and WIN!.

As announced before, the rules of the contest are simple:

  • As you buy gadgets using HIVE, you earn free tickets (1 per gadget) to enter the draw.
  • The more tickets you have, the more likely you are to win.
  • Keep in mind you need to have at least 1,000 AFIT to earn tickets to the draw.

Round #37 Started. Head over to Actifit Market NOW to WIN!

AFIT Market Buy Back

Also as announced in the contest rules, we committed to buy back AFIT on the market with 25% of the total amount used to buy gadgets. This amounted to 4.109 HIVE, which we used to place buy orders for AFIT on (we actually bought back much more).


Did you stock up on your gadgets yet? Head over to Actifit Market NOW to WIN!


Congrats to the winner @runridefly

I thought you had all the luck. Thank you for being an awesome human.

Thanks a lot, but too much honor!
Since several weeks I buy the gadgets with Afit tokens only. Luck was too often on my side.

Congrats for the winner, 3 wins in a row already.
How many tickets bought for this round ?

Sorry about that. @actifit-peter had the early consecutive wins. Maybe you win next time. Good luck

Haha nothing to be sorry about, congrats ;)
I was wondering if Actifit could share some stats about the total number of tickets per round, etc

Congratulation for the winners