My Actifitivity: December 30 2021

in Actifit2 years ago



Different day different pond.



This one is far out in the woods. I stopped on the way to go shopping in the next town over to take a little walk into the forest here.

But I'm not going to talk about the pond today. Next to it there's the remnants of a gate. Back in the day the pond and a part of the forest here appear to have been fenced off.



It's a bit hard to see, only one side of the gate remains standing. It must have been a few decades.

Nearby there's an old shack built from corrugated sheets. It looks a bit out of place here in the middle of the woods.



After walking around and taking today's title image I dared to take a look inside but there wasn't much to see.



Walking a little further behind the lake I came across a pile of old barbed wire spools.



Wait, an old bunker?



Would this casual afternoon walk turn into a full on adventure?!



Well ... no.

Even less to see than in the old shack.



Thanks for your time!


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Shopping, Walking


Would this casual afternoon walk turn into a full on adventure?!

Almost 😅

Lol... too bad, that would have been something!

I already saw myself sending you here the community where you could post the exploration thing 😂 ... and then, not a bunker 😒 😁

Thanks for support! You did really well with your steps.
PS: Where do these painted boards come from? 🤔


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