My Actifitivity: April 15 2022

in Actifit2 years ago



The sun is back! Time for a long walk and some long overdue exploratory activities.

@isnogud came for a visit and we decided to check out the abandoned cold war ammunitions depot in the nearby forest. The area is fenced in and technically off limits, but that just makes the exploration even more exciting.



There isn't too much left on the compound but we found an old barracks building right at the edge of the area. The inside of the building had some proper silent hill vibes with all that paint flaking off the walls.




Walking a little further we came to these massive bunkers. There's about half a dozen of these, each big enough to store four tanks side by side or what-not.



All these bunkers look exactly the same, except for one. It's almost completely covered under soil leaving only one of the four big steel gates accessible.



The gate is open, but behind the gate is another heavy steel door with a very peculiar looking opening mechanism.



A bit like a bank safe. With a key and number lock combination. So if you somehow got a grip the key, you'd still need to know the numbers, too. As visible from the oil stains, the mechanism has been maintained and lubricated recently... so it's somehow still in use?!?

I'd really really like to know what's in there!


Oh... and because it's Friday... here's some mushrooms, too ;)



Thanks for your time!


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Mushrooms for #FungiFriday 😎

This was really cool, it would be great to know that that mysterious bunker contains :))

ugh yes!!! I've been wondering how I could find out, at least who or what is in charge of maintaining it to be able to deduce something... I don't know... maybe it's a covert NSA listening post... lol... something along those lines?!?

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