The Signs | Actifit 12.05.2024

in Actifitlast month

Hello and welcome! :)

Let me tell you about this strange thing that happened today. It was literally YESTERDAY when I posted about the yellow-blue sign that I had seen, and I was right - it was the Camino de Santiago sign.

Today another thing happened. I was really early in the city and I was walking to a bus stop, but unfortunately I was too late and I missed it. So, I had to walk for like 25 minutes to my university, but it was fine, because I had a lot of time. I knew how to get there and I used to walk there a lot of time actually. Surprisingly, I saw this:

Literally on my way!!! It was shocking for me. Then, on my way back, I saw another two.

I am pretty sure they are new, but I am so in shock! It is nice to see those signs on my route to uni.

So, as I said, I spent a day studying, and the in the evening I had a project meeting that went really well. I was very stressed, but in the same time so excited. Our organiser told us that in our group there are so wonderful people and that she is jealous that she can't go with us on the project. I totally agree with her and I wish that we would become friends eventually.

Stay tuned!
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