Feeling Summer | Actifit 17.05.2024

in Actifit28 days ago

Hello and welcome! :)

I got a bit surprised today when I found out I had dropped out of the crossbar. Ofc it was my mistake because on 8th I did only 6 k steps and I only thought I did 8. Which is a sad thing, because after today's step count I would still be in the game. But I'm still gonna post, even after dropping out.

Today I was planning to do a lot of studying and just stay at home, but I was invited on a date, so I agreed and finished everything I had to do quicker. It was a nice afternoon and I'm glad that I went out, although I'm still struggling with overthinking, especially now when I'm in a new situation. The pic you can see above is the only picture I took today, I didn't event think about it. There are just some random people on the boat on the lake we visited. When I looked at it, I thought I was totally feeling summer because of the weather and everything. Also, somehow I managed to do around 20 k steps because we went for a walk, but it wasn't that long so I got surprised when I saw I did that many steps today.

Stay tuned!

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io

