
I like to craft my words especially when I'm writing a compelling story! It's fun and my hopes are to engage and entertain my readers! This post is about steps and adventure... but It's also about doing my best to put great content on the Hive Blockchain! After all... I'm sharing this one with my Fitbit crew and I want them to see how fun Hive and it's community of fitness minded people are! 😁

Indeed! So you have a Fitbit crew that is not yet on Hive completely, yes? !invest_vote !ENGAGE 10

Yeah! I have quite a few friends on Fitbit that I would love to introduce to the Hive Blockchain! How about you? Do you make use of Fitbit?

Not yet. I did not know it before actively using @actifit. To me looks like a standard for watches that's integrated to sync with @actifit. Yet seems to be more then that. LOL Learning all the time. What is it? !invest_vote !ENGAGE 5

Yeah! Fitbit in it's time was a revolutionary wearable development. It's got a whole compliment of devices ranging from clip on wearables to smart gps activated watches that track everything from steps, heartbeat, and even breaths per. min. It also has millions of active users on it's social platform. I'm looking for ways to build bridges from Fitbit to Hive and @ACtifit every day!

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