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RE: Starting a self imposed challenge: 450,000 steps in 30 days using Actifit

in Actifit4 years ago

I had a good pre-season since I've been running a couple clicks for the past two weeks, so I didn't start fresh.

I've been slacking my Hive activity and this mini challenge seemed like the best way to get back on track. I'm usually a dude who can't stand to do a thing for a specific purpose, anything I do has to have several purposes or else I feel like I'm wasting my time. That's why while I run I listen to German spoken podcasts to practice/keep learning German, this means I'm exercising, posting to hive and practicing German, and if my dog was still able to run with me, it would be four birds, one stone :D

Thanks for your vote and your comment man, glad to see you're still active and Hiveing.


Learning a language whilst running seems like a very nice multi-tasking opportunity...I'm not sure I'd be able to concentrate on both though, running isn't my thing anymore...Take effort. :)

Yah, I'm still here posting daily and working to assist others to engage with the community. Falling away isn't on the radar as it has been for many others, I enjoy the platform and so I'm here.