That Almost Dying Feeling From Biking, My Actifit Report Card: February 4 2021

in Actifit3 years ago (edited)

Omfg I have never been this tired biking before. Oh hey wait. I felt worse when I biked almost 18 kms back and forth sometime last year.

The only difference is, back in July I rode a jeepney a few kms before I even reached 18 kms total. This time I decided to stick it out 'til the end. No jeepney ride for moi.

Ugh now I know how it feels like to "work" yourself to death. I felt like I was going to pass out if I didn't rest from time to time. And it was just around 9 kms to and from where I got my order!

I blame this... This new snack that was on sale. 😅 Decided to bike to pick up my order instead of spending some money for jeepney and tricycle fare.

Can you guess what this is? Hehe.

Hey it was just around 4+ kms away... Well, here I thought I could bike well enough even if I was living an almost sedentary life since before Christmas and onwards. Unfortunately I thought wrong. 😔

On the way home I had to stop like 3x! The first time because I felt lightheaded from all my exertions that I just had to stop and rest. Holy moly. I have never felt so unfit again in my entire life. 😂

I didn't even bike on some of the roads that were uphill! I mean I walked on the street instead of riding my bike. Lol. That was just one or two instances though.

Not sure if my legs got tired easily because of the soft bike tire? I don't know if it had anything to do with my bike's rear tire. For some reason it felt like riding against something sometimes. 😅 You know I had to manually pump it with a handy tire pump 2x!

Whatthefudge!? Too bad it was past 6 pm so I could not go to the nearest vulcanising shop fast enough. (When I got to the street they were on, none were still open.)

Come on, I was catching my breath, feeling tired like I could not go on anymore. Had to stop thrice as mentioned. I wanted to quit and ride a jeepney but no I thought otherwise. I could do it! I could get home on my bike!!! 🤭

Yeah I did get home but I had to rest a lot. Man it felt like forever. I left home past 5 pm, I got home around past 7 pm. Of course that includes the minutes I spent looking for the pick up place too. Haha.

Maybe because it took a while to get my order from the person that my body cooled down already. 🤔 Should have brought my own water so I could drink and replenish fluids while I waited huh... Anyway I don't count that as a stop though.

After I got the products I went on my merry way and rode my bike again. A few kilometres later I was feeling so tired like my heart was pumping too much. What in heck's name was going on? Maybe it's because I'm getting old too huh??? 🤔

First stop I had to do some breathing exercises to slow down my heart rate. I felt lightheaded for a few moments so I rested for maybe less than 5 minutes before continuing on my way home. 2nd stop I had to rest again. Had to sit on the side of the road from exhaustion. Oh boy. And then I looked around for a store to buy something to drink.

Good thing they had something I wasn't expecting or looking for. Bought a small chocolate drink cause they say chocolate is good for bikers, right? After a while I went on my merry way again but then my tire got really soft all of a sudden. Man. Of course I had to pump my tire before I could go home right?

3rd stop I had to rest near a fast food restaurant where I asked for a glass of water. Oh boy. I didn't think it would be hard to get home using my bicycle. 😅

My legs were too tired to keep riding so at times I just walked some distance after resting before I rode my bike again. Oh my Lord. 😅 Thank God I am still alive after all the exertions. Haha~

I did do my warm up exercise before heading out. Hah, thought it would help much but apparently it's not enough. Perhaps I should stop being a couch potato who thinks I can just bike far all of a sudden without any consequences. Lol.

And so that's how I reached more than 6000 on Actifit! Gee it's been a while since I used this app. I always forgot to use it last year when I biked more often.

The first time I tried using it this year was on a short bike trip so I only reached 2k+ activity count. I was even proud to not be feeling tired from biking at the time. Lol. But of course it was just around 4+ kms back and forth I think. No uphill roads too so of course I didn't get too tired. 😂

Ah now I know better. Anyway, how about you? How was your day?




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Written by @artgirl for Hive.
© Art x Stephanie Rue

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Cycling, Walking


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