My Actifit Report Card: May 17 2024

in Actifitlast month

Hi to all my actifiters friends around the worlds, how are you doing today? i am hoping that you are all healthy and fine. Today i want to share my activity. After a week i am doing gym in home. Now all my body feels sore one after another. From shoulder, triceps, biceps, and back. And today i training my legs again. And hell yeah. I believe that tomorrow my legs will very sore too. But, it is okay i need to adapt with this situation around 1 month to make me getting used with this sore. But, the great news is i feel refreshed and my body feels light after doing some workout. Also i am hoping that my blood pressure will going to stable and normal. Also i think my blood sugar will going to normal and with excersire i can control my blood sugar too. Even though i am not diagnosed with any scary ill like hypertension and diabetic. But i am aware that i am carried genes that having this disease. Thats why i am afraid i can get those disease that can kill me and makes me pain in the futures. Hopefully with doing more excersise i can reduce the possibility that i got that disease.
And the bonus is my body will get muscular and lean. And as usual before i am doing work out i still need doing cardio first with just having 45 minutes walk around my neighboorhood and caputre the best moment that i grateful. the sceenery that can relieve my stress too.

So it will like killing two birds at the same time. My health will be better and my mental health also. Many doctor said in the content that many disease comes from our mind. And the stress can be the one of the biggest factor that we got those disease. So, yeah looking around and walking is one cheapes activity that i can do right now.

And the hardest part of doing this routine is consistency. I am hoping that i can consist doing workout like this in 1 year. And i think it will change my look maybe.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Gym, Photowalking, Walking
180 cm
83 kg
Body Fat


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