My activity yesterday _ color photo modification using Android (video)

in Actifit4 years ago (edited)

Every picture and living object has an art that varies depending on the taste of each person, so it requires modifications using several types of other devices such as computers and Android. these two devices are very much needed to fulfill their daily needs, especially those who like art.

Kemarin saya mencoba untuk modifikasi warna foto kupu kupu yang saya foto beberapa bulan yang lalu dan baru saya coba modifikasi kemarin menggunakan Yesterday I tried to modify the color of a butterfly photo that I photographed a few months ago and I just tried to modify it yesterday using the car lightroom application using Android Vivo. The butterfly image needs a modification of green and yellow so that the light over the image does not disturb the main object of the butterfly. For more details, please refer to the following video that I uploaded on my personal YouTube account.
