Broad Leaf Geebung Big Action: December 15 2022

in Actifitlast year (edited)

Had it in my mind to ride to far side of National Park to look for hyacinth orchids I saw last week. Did have to fit in a shopping trip for the weekend - fit in a walk around that. Drive I did - until I spied the orchids flowering

Parked up for photos

Slender hyacinth orchid - dipodium variegatum - found a lot

Dipodium variegatum

Banksia serratum close by

Have to take lots of photos hoping a few will hold.

Hidden away in the bush behind was a stunted version

A few growing hard by a eucalyptus tree

Walked back toward where I walked last week - looking for hunteriana orchid

Spider grevillea

Broad-leafed geebug - yellow got me looking

I did see the weevil - time for close look up

A few fringe lilies

Always excited to find a new orchid location - horned orchid - past its best - orthoceras strictum. Only one plant

Lambertia formosa

Budding hyacinth orchid further along

St Andrews Cross spider

Just starting to open out

A photo for orcbid spotters. I saw the leaf and was looking straight away for the spike

Cryptostylis subulata

Did find a bonnet orchid open. 4 types for the day

Next photo shows bonnet orchids toughing it out in the middle of the rocky track

I thought this was a cicada husk - got the photo to find it still alive - chirping

Did the shopping on the way home

Dinner: Pizza - easy apart from prep from scratch

Trade action: Adjusted a few creoft spread- AMN as an example to avoid having to buy the stock
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, House Chores


The flowers looks so beautiful and I appreciate you giving out the names of every flowers which I don't have an idea of the names before.

Thanks. I share the names I know

beautiful photos, thank you so much for sharing the report, have a nice day
