Flying Duck Orchids survived the hazard reduction burn : October 11 2023

in Actifit8 months ago (edited)

A slow start to the day after late night in the markets chasing uranium. Did get out on the bike - ready to ride the first hill in a few rides. Changed my mind about where to ride half way. Went to check on the flying duck orchids I had hoped to protect from a hazard reduction burn

The burn has happened. Rode a long way down the fire trail before starting to walk

Snake orchid up high has survived the burn

Well this bit did not survive - good thing thing the plant had a few homes in the tree

Maybe the orchid of the day - snake orchid flowering

The fire raced up the centre of the tree housing the snake orchid

Did find flying duck orchids higher up the track than previously - a few open

Caleana major

Pleased to say the defence work on the base of the tree worked - the fire just stopped where I had cleared the pine needles

A softer shade of colour

A sampler of how hot the fire got

Wonder how these palms will survive - but they will

Saw the lyre bird on the way out

Another shot

View down over Darri Track - not walking that for a while

Looking back to Turramurra

Another good day on the bike

Was a huge day for donations for Kids Cancer Ride taking me over the target for the year

Garden stuff - watered the front lawn in front of a hot day forecast

Dinner: My wife was out. Cooked sausages on the BBQ

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Cycling, Daily Activity, Gardening, House Chores, Photowalking


I love finding pictures of flowers on the internet, almost as much as cats. There is a popular hashtag in the fediverse call #bloomscrolling, something that I would like to see become popular over here too!

Lots of blooms in my posts under my own hashtag #orchidsbymc. Every time I edit the posts, I am told to take out hashtags to get to 8 or less.

I love the beautiful photos with the sunny background.
